Dr. David KnoxJan 6, 2018Speak PeaceSTV- Stop The Violence series Speak Peace Seek peace if you love life. Don't let your tongue speak evil if you love life and seek good...
Dr. David KnoxJan 5, 2018Peace GivenSTV- Stop The Violence series Peace Given An encouraging word, a smile, a hug, are jewels of peace and each one of these can be given to...
Dr. David KnoxJan 4, 2018PeacemakersSTV- Stop The Violence Peacemakers The Lord has called us blessed and in that blessing we find the calm, the joy, the gentle breeze of...
Dr. David KnoxJan 3, 2018Peace In GodSTV- Stop the Violence series Peace In God In the spirit of this series we focus on Peace, God's Peace. God speaks to us in various ways,...
Dr. David KnoxJan 2, 2018The Lord Gives PeaceSTV- Stop The Violence series The Lord Gives Peace The issues of 2017 have only ended in word but the problems still linger, what will...