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Today's Bread
This is where we produce the Bread (Manna) daily (every day except Sundays). All prayers are inspired by the Word of God using the elements of thanks, praise & blessings.
Dr. David Knox
Sep 12, 2018
Truth On The Right
Truth and Consequences series Truth On The Right The revelation of this Truth is that's it's always on the "Right." David indicates that...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 21, 2018
Keep It Wise
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Keep It Wise The spirit represents the intellect of a person, its where we reason and factor our...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 20, 2018
Don't Let Anger Control
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Don't Let Anger Control To position yourself in a positive place it is advantageous to clear yourself...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 19, 2018
Before You Speak, Pause
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Before You Speak, Pause People who tend to spill their guts, or empty their intellectual bucket are...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 18, 2018
Killing Fires Within
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Killing Fires Within Emotional fires are started by the maneuvering or hinting at some reprehensible...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 14, 2018
Don't Tell Lies
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Don't Tell Lies Solomon speaks to those who bring suffering to those who love the Lord; on his neighbor...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 13, 2018
The Influence Of Softness
Think it, Speak It, Act It series The Influence Of Softness Proverbs are short sentences, drawn from long experience. What persuades a...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 12, 2018
Desecration Of Correction
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Desecration Of Correction Solomon illustrates the practice of correction by the wise. Correction done...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 11, 2018
Don't Let Pride Rule
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Don't Let Pride Rule The deeper story comes form the activity of a hasty and rash decision of a king...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 9, 2018
Removing Trouble
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Removing Trouble The adversary would keep us dodging brown bullets and jumping from stink bombs,...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 8, 2018
Increase In Honor
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Increase In Honor Strife is a visible sign of conflict, a state of conscious disagreement . It has a...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 7, 2018
Define Your Deferment
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Define Your Deferment Discretion has been popularized by the recent exposure of inappropriate behavior...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 5, 2018
Seeds Bare Fruit
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Seeds Bare Fruit It is seed that bare fruit and there are reasonable expectations depending on the seed...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 4, 2018
Out of Deep Waters
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Out of Deep Waters The intelligent speak fluent words, words which on all occasions flow pertinent and...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 2, 2018
Think In The Light
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Think In The Light What a fool does requires little understanding, no great thought or consideration of...
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Dr. David Knox
Jun 1, 2018
Wisdom of A Controlled Mouth
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Wisdom of A Controlled Mouth People who usually speak a lot with no focus are typically attempting to...
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Dr. David Knox
May 31, 2018
Don't Offend Your Brother
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Don't Offend Your Brother A brother is someone who stands by you through thick and especially thin....
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Dr. David Knox
May 30, 2018
Avoid A Froward Heart
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Avoid A Froward Heart The book of Proverbs is full of instruction and defines a virtuous lifestyle. The...
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Dr. David Knox
May 28, 2018
Our True Brother
Think it, Speak It, Act It series Our True Brother The thought of brotherhood in this verse is expanded beyond flesh and blood and refers...
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Dr. David Knox
May 26, 2018
One Word, Than Another
Think it, Speak It, Act It series One Word, Than Another The Lays potato chip commercial says you can't just eat one. Mentality when we...
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